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After Mentoring more than 1000 students from all over the World, through his Forex Mentorship Program in English, Sid has finally decided to serve his fellow countrymen with the Hindi version of the course due to insistent Popular demand over the years.
Yes, You will be learning from Mr.Siddhant Goswami, CEO of Trade With Sid. Generally regarded as one of the Best Forex traders in the World, Sid has helped hundreds of aspiring tarders around the Globe to achieve Financial freedom by teaching them how to trade forex markets profitably.
Whether you want to generate some side income or if you want to make trading your only source of income (like our Traders), then this course is for you.
In this course we will cover Beginner to Professional level information to get you on the right path to becoming a successful and a consistently profitable Trader. On top of all the material thought we will be giving you our personal tricks, techniques and views on the Forex market that have tremendously fast-tracked our success.
And the best thing is you are going to learn all these secrets in our beloved HINDI language.
You will get to learn:
1. How to acquire the mindset to achieve higher levels of mastery trading FOREX or any other financial instrument.
2. How to improve your Risk and Money Management Plan.
3. How to upgrade your trading methodology to read correctly price action for identifying the strongest trend in place.
4. How to apply the right skills and tools to increase the probabilities of making winning trades while reducing risk.
5. How to integrate risk control, money management, and price action to have a successful trading business.